To enable and use Kaltura My Media and course Media Gallery:
- Go to Course Settings > Navigation and drag “Media Gallery” and “My Media” (visible only to instructors) to the top half of the screen and click Save.
- The first time you click on “My Media” or “Media Gallery,” you will be prompted to Authorize the Kaltura application. It is perfectly safe to click the blue Log In button.
- To upload a new video or to record your screen:
- Upload a file: In the Media Gallery video files can be added by clicking Add Media > Add New > Media Upload.
- After media is added, you will be prompted to add a Name, Description, and Tags for the item, Save, and go Back to Browse and Embed. Upload the best quality file you have, but note that uploads over 1GB may fail due to browser limitations.
- Save your upload and go Go to Media Gallery to verify that the video was added.
- To add existing videos to the Media Gallery:
- In the Media Gallery video files can be added by clicking + Add Media, check the desired videos, and click + Publish.
- Note: if you are not the owner of a video (eg: you are an FA), you may need to change the View Media I Own option to View Media I can Publish/Edit.
- If you are uploading on behalf of someone else (eg: FA uploading for faculty), it is best to make the faculty the “owner” of the video. Under My Media > Edit > Collaboration, add yourself as a “co-editor” and “co-publisher” and then change the owner to the faculty
- Tags